The Journal / Events / Presentation of the thematic issue "From conflict to Peace. On the way with Georg Simmel"

Presentation of the thematic issue "From conflict to Peace. On the way with Georg Simmel"


Scienza e Pace / Science and Peace invites the academic community and the public to the presentation of its last thematic issue "From conflict to Peace. On the way with Georg Simmel". The issue collects the Research Papers received through the call entitled "Theories of conflict and philosophies of peace. 100 years after the publication of Der Konflikt der Modernen Kultur by Georg Simmel".


The presentation will take place on November 29, 2018, at 4 PM, in the Aula Magna of the Department for Political Sciences, via F. Serafini, 3 (ground floor).


Confirmed interventions:

Enza Pellecchia, Director of the Sciences for Peace Interdisciplinary Centre - University of Pisa

Pompeo Della Posta, Editor in chief of Scienza e Pace / Science and Peace

Vincenzo Mele, Editor in chief of Simmel Studies

Raimondo Strassoldo, author ofConflitto e pace nella società globalizzata

Tiziano Telleschi, Guest Editor of the thematic issue



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