Instructions for referees

Referees are selected by the Editorial Committee among international specialists of the topics addressed by the paper, or among international experts of the disciplines prevailing in the paper. They support the Editorial Committee in guaranteeing to authors and readers a rigorous and impartial peer review process, aimed to uphold the quality of single papers and of the journal as a whole.

Referees do not know the identity of the authors whose papers they are evaluating, and vice-versa. In order to preserve the anonymity of the referees, their names will not be published.
Referees are asked to follow the evaluation criteria for research papers adopted by the journal. These criteria should analytically assess the pertinence, the originality, the scientific quality and the editorial quality of each paper submitted to Scienza e Pace - Science and Peace. Referees are asked to provide a general assessment of the manuscript according to each of these criteria, and to support the author with comments and suggestions on how to improve the paper. In conclusion, they provide a synthetic statement on the opportunity to publish the paper with or without major changes. They also assess the coherence between their comments and suggestions of improvement and the new version resubmitted by the author.

A more detailed overview of the editorial policy followed by Scienza e Pace - Science and Peace may be found in the Code of conduct of the journal.


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