Instructions for authors

Authors submitting their original research papers or book reviews for publication on Scienza e Pace - Science and Peace are invited to send them by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at any time their original manuscripts, in .doc or .odt format, to the Editorial Committee. They may also participate to the periodical calls for papers opened by the journal. Manuscripts are accepted in Italian, in English and only exceptionally in Spanish. They should be prepared and submitted according to the Editorial Guidelines of the journal.

Manuscripts must be original, should not be simultaneously under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere, and should be in line with the aims and scope of the journal. Authors are advised that, after an initial editor screening, research papers are referred anonymously to at least two specialist readers (double-blind peer review) and that some revision may subsequently be required before the manuscript is accepted for publication. To facilitate anonymous refereeing, authors should ensure that neither their name nor address appears anywhere within the paper.

A more detailed overview of the editorial policy followed by Scienza e Pace - Science and Peace may be found in the Code of conduct of the journal.


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