Senso del vivere e conflitto. Georg Simmel interprete inattuale della contemporaneità


The paper aims to investigate the idea of conflict in the polyvocal thought of Georg Simmel. To be correctly interpreted, it must be read through the Simmel’s Lebensphilosophie, manifesting itself as a head problem of its philosophy. Indeed, the life/ form conflict summarizes in itself all the singular contrasts that mark the existence of man. Beginning from the idea of culture and its crisis, through some crucial junctions of the Simmelian philosophy, some moments of its production have been investigated, in order to highlight the adialectic and eternal nature of the conflict in life, which has become the «hidden king» of our Kultur. The conspicuous points that have allowed a not always linear navigation have been identified not only through the particular and original Simmelian philosophy but also by virtue of a not strictly chronological reconstruction of his last production which goes from 1914 to 1918. In this way, it was proposed a key to understanding the conflict and the philosophy of life that highlights the character of reciprocity and of what can be defined as Simmel's uniqueness, the apax of his thought, still decisive for our contemporaneity.

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