Enrico Berlinguer, La pace al primo posto. Scritti e discorsi di politica internazionale (1972-1984)


The collection of Enrico Berlinguer's writings and speeches on the subject of peace, edited by Alessandro Höbel, comes out in a timely manner when another war is being fought in Europe. Reading the texts makes it clear that in Berlinguer’s thought and action the link between foreign and domestic policy was central, and peace was seen as the condition for a new model of development on a global scale. Starting from the claim of autonomy from USSR in regard to the construction of an 'Italian way to socialism', to the elaboration of an idea of austerity understood as social justice in the relationship between North and South of the world, to the battle against the installation of the Euro-missiles, we can well say that for Berlinguer peace came first. The collection is opened by a skilful introduction by the editor, who also intervenes in the foreword to each chapter to historically frame the moment in which the speech or article was delivered or written.

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