Los desacuerdos del acuerdo. Notas de trabajo sobre la finalización de la confrontación armada entre el Estado colombiano y las FARC-EP desde la sociología del conflicto simmeliana


This research notes highlight the completion of the armed conflict between the Colombian State and Farc-Ep. This changing present moment is characterized by the pugnacity of the participants in the current political debate on the peace deal with the so-called main insurgent organization of the country. Herewith the reflection over how conflicts end is based on Georg Simmel´s ideas. The exploration of the pro-peace deal presidential campaigns reveals some lines of analysis. One of the major ascertainments of our preliminary exam is that, besides the contribution of a sociology of conflict, studying transitional periods requires to take into account features related to philosophy of history and memory studies. We assert that a social science which seeks to address the Colombian present must inquire about shifting sociation forms.

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